Clinic Calendar is a website and appointment management system for many types of clinics. There are doctors and admin users. Patients can be registered and appointments can be recorded to patients.
Compatible for many clinic types (dentist clinic, psychologist clinic, doctor clinic…)
Responsive, Mobile friendly design for users and administrators.
Easy setup.
Database is created automatically. Just run project.
High performance.
Simple and stylish design. Quality components.
Includes website, admin processes and landing page.
Easy going time zone config.
Admin and doctors can add, update and delete appointments on the calendar.
Admin and doctor can add their appointments by dragging the patients to the calendar.
Admin and doctors can update appointments by sizing and droping.
Different type of view support month, week, day, list day, list week on calendar.
Appointment is checked on the calendar before it is added. If the Doctor is not available for the appointment to be added, it is not allowed to add an appointment.
Appointments on the calendar can be filtered by doctors.
Message transmission with stylish alerts.
Admin Features:
Add doctors.
Freeze or activate doctor accounts.
Add and update patients.
Passive or activate patients.
Export doctors list and patients list in Excel, CSV and PDF format.
Search and sort in doctors list and patients list.
Add and update appointments to doctors.
Can change profile photo.
Choose which time zone the application will use.
Choose whether appointments are visible to visitors.
Doctors Features:
Add an appointment for himself/herself.
Add biography for himself/herself.
Choose the color of their appointments on the calendar.